Putting patients' voices at the heart of the health system
Central to the Brighton and Hove Common Ambition project is co-production. This operates on the premise that those who use a service are best placed to offer insights as to how it could be improved. Here are some principles of co-production, which we are putting into practice in Common Ambition:
- A focus on finding shared solutions
- Those who use the services are in charge of shaping those services, from the beginning of the project to the end
- The project leader’s main role is to bring people with lived experience together with others in the sector (frontline workers, commissioners, directors, academics) in order to work together
- This goes against the usual hierarchical nature of large-scale projects, and blurs the boundaries between delivering and receiving services
- Working from the premise that those who use a service are best placed to give insights into its successes and flaws, and how best to improve it

The seven practical steps for co-production, according to the NHS England and NHS Improvement and Coalition for Personalised Care model
For more information on our first steps into co-production and setting up our lived experience steering group, have a read of our blog from July 2021.