The School Clinic Morley Street Brighton BN2 9DH
These are available by telephoning the surgery on 01273 003930. Results of blood tests will usually take 2-3 days, X-rays 7 – 10 days and cervical smears up to two weeks.
When you telephone you will be advised as to whether there is any action to be taken and if you need to see the doctor again.
Please note that we do have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection: we will only give out results to the person they relate to, unless that person has given prior permission for their release, or if they need further support to understand them. If you’d like to make sure a trusted person, e.g. family member, close friend or support worker, can access your results for you, please email, ring or visit the surgery to give us consent to speak to someone else on your behalf. Any support/key workers should provide us with a consent form.
Check this page if you have been referred to another service – this will give you information on estimated wait times.