The School Clinic Morley Street Brighton BN2 9DH
Arch has collaborated with local services to provide seven step down beds in the city, to ensure people who have been admitted to hospital, and are at risk of homelessness at the time of discharge have a safe place to recover, with regular clinical input. This service has been in place from February 2021.
The Step Down Beds service is a link between community and hospital services – providing patients experiencing homelessness who are discharged from hospital, with accommodation in a supportive hostel, daily clinical visits, and dedicated support workers to ensure they can recover fully after a hospital admission. It can also support patients to stay within the community and receive care and treatment, in order to prevent a hospital admission.
Step Down Beds is a partnership project and brings together the different skills and expertise of homelessness and inclusion health in the city to provide an integrated and accessible service for those facing homelessness before, during or after a hospital stay. This joined up working enables a holistic approach to inclusion health. The expertise and roles of the partnership are laid out below:
There have been many positive outcomes for those accessing this service including: