The School Clinic Morley Street Brighton BN2 9DH
Homelessness has a devastating impact upon health. In addition to the complex health challenges that people face when going through periods of homelessness, the lack of secure accommodation in itself can mean it is harder to access health services and prioritise health and wellbeing needs.
In recognition of this, Arch offers a range of interconnected programmes designed to reach everybody who might benefit from our support; raising awareness of our service amongst eligible people, and ensuring that we break down as many barriers as possible, so that everyone is able to access our services.
More detail on each of these services is below.
Arch Healthcare aims to provide leadership in the field of homeless health; to advocate for and improve healthcare for people facing homelessness within Brighton, and also to provide a model that can be delivered in different areas across the UK. The very structure of our organisation as a CIC means we are ideally set up to provide the most effective support for our patients – for more detail on our governance, please see our About Us page.
For more details on our work, click on the links below, or feel free to contact us to find out more, and how to offer a dedicated homeless healthcare service in your area.