The School Clinic Morley Street Brighton BN2 9DH
At the fourth attempt I’m running Brighton Marathon 2022 to raise money for the work of Arch Health. I was registered for the April 2020 marathon which was cancelled so I expected to run in April 2021 which was also cancelled, then having completed all the training for September 2021 I caught Covid and wasn’t able to participate.
I’m raising money for Arch because every day the team are working in our GP surgery and across the city to provide the best possible healthcare for people who are facing homelessness. Over the last 5 years our clinicians have delivered over 60,000 patient consultations, we’ve provided 2000 people with specialist support whilst in hospital and conducted over 21,000 interventions with 500 very vulnerable people in the community. We work with incredible partners to deliver outstanding and much needed care.
The needs are vast and growing and we’re raising money to ensure that we can continue to provide the extra-care services that people need when they are in a crisis: for example, dignity packs which include shaving kits, shower gel, pyjamas, sanitary products, to use during a hospital stay, or a bus ticket to get to a health appointment. Often it’s the little things that can make all the difference.
I’m not much of an athlete. I expect the 55,374 steps which make up the marathon will take me around 5 hours to complete and I’ll hurt from about half way round until the following Thursday but it will be worth it to support our team, our patients and our city in this incredible work.