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Provisional programme for 2023 Homeless Health conference

Delegates: plan your day at conference

We are delighted to publish our conference timetable in advance, to enable delegates to plan their day and decide which sessions to attend. We have also included a brief outline of each talk, to enable you to make an informed decision about which talks to attend, avoiding anything you may find upsetting.

Please note that sessions in the Cafe Area (studio B) have a limit on numbers (25 people), due to size and layout of this room. Talks in this area will be more workshop style, with increased time for interactions and Q&A. We will have a desk, just past registration, where you can put your name down for any talk/s in studio B that you would like to attend – this is on a first come, first served basis, so please do put your name down for any talks that you would like to attend in this studio, and then you will be guaranteed entry (you may still be able to attend these talks at the last minute if they are not oversubscribed).

Inclusivity and Equality – a guide for the day

When putting together  this year’s Conference, we wanted to ensure that we create a friendly space. where everyone is made to feel welcome and supported; to promote equality and diversity; and challenge oppression and prejudice.

To help us achieve this, Common Ambition has created a participant wellbeing guidance we’re asking everyone to follow on the day. Click on the link to view and download.

We are still learning about how we can better create inclusive spaces, so if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, please do let us know.

We look forward to seeing you on the day!

Download timetable
Homeless Health conference 2023 timetable. For a breakdown of the talks and access to slides where available, please go to this webpage:

Click on the talk titles below to see session outlines

Liver disease: a preventable illness

This talk will consist of a mixture of information and case studies, covering a general overview of liver disease, with a focus on ALD (Alcoholic Liver Disease) and Hepatitis C. It aims to increase general knowledge of liver disease, including myth busting. It will give frontline workers the confidence to engage clients in managing this condition, and will provide information on where to go to get support in order to improve health outcomes, including information on Brighton’s specialist community Liver clinic.

Content warning: this talk will include case studies with details of symptoms of liver disease, which may be distressing for anyone who has experience of themselves or a friend/family member suffering from this condition.

Speaker: Mags O’Sullivan

Frontline network speed networking

This will be positive, informal session aimed at Frontline workers to get to know each other and engage in positive discussions about the sector. The session aims to create connections with other workers, find common ground and come up with ideas for future frontline worker events. This will be an interactive session where participants will chat to each other for 10 mins at a time, guided by ‘conversation cards’ then will move around and talk to other people in the room.

Content warning: The session is aimed at Frontline Workers but does take into consideration that non workers will be in attendance i.e. volunteers, people with LE, commissioners. In terms, of upsetting content, people could be triggered if they have experience of having had a support worker.

Session leaders: Jules Grenville and Kate Standing

Alcohol related brain damage: how can we best support those affected?

A space for delegates to share experiences of supporting people with alcohol related brain damage and learn together how best to help them. Why can these patients not seem to be able to move out of alcohol dependence and make the changes they say they want to make? How can we look to best support them? How can we, together, advocate for better care and services for people affected? An interactive informal session about alcohol related brain damage. A space for some teaching, some sharing of your experiences and how we can together advocate for a change in support and policy going forward.

Content warning: this talk will describe the presentations of alcohol related brain damage, experiences of professionals supporting the people affected, discussions about best practice, and anonymised case studies.

Speakers: Drs Tal Lewin and Kate Pitt


Trans, Non Binary and Intersex: Awareness, Inclusivity and Accessibility

This session aims to support delegates in understanding the intersectional needs, inequalities and experiences of trans, non-binary and intersex (TNBI) people and gender variant individuals in the UK. Attendees will:

  • Gain an understanding of the trans, non-binary, intersex and gender-variant umbrella, including up to date community terminology regularly used throughout the UK.
  • Gather knowledge of TNBI experiences of inequalities faced by the community.
  • Develop a progressive and community-influenced understanding of how we can act individually, and organisationally, to improve inclusion and accessibility for TNBI people.

The session will be lecture based with a Q&A, open discussion at the end.

Content warning: Some mention of suicide, bodies/body parts, transphobia.

Speaker: Victoria Oldman

Recognising, Responding to, and Preventing Medical Emergencies

The aim of this talk is to support delegates in identifying some commonly seen medical conditions for people facing homelessness. It will explain how to identify when someone’s health is deteriorating; and to recognise life threatening emergencies. Delegates will learn about signs and symptoms associated with common medical conditions, and consider how best to prevent complications and manage deteriorating health. This talk will be lecture-based with some case studies, ending with a Q&A.

Content warning: The talk and case studies will discuss life threatening emergencies and potentially upsetting subjects such as seizures, overdose and sepsis.

Speakers: Ruth Reilly and Hannah Bishop



Frailty and early onset ageing in homeless health

When in their 30s, 40s, and 50s people who are homeless often experience health problems similar to much older people. This session will explore frailty in people facing homelessness, barriers to receiving treatment, and specific challenges that people face when experiencing homelessness and suffering from premature ageing.

Content warning: Discussion of physical symptoms of frailty, impact on sufferers.

Speaker: Caterina Speight

Pathway: Health and housing - a collaborative approach

The aim of this presentation is for all parts of the community to know what we do and the outcomes for the patients admitted to hospital, their journeys and why collaboration with all colleagues is critical for a safe discharge. It will explain what everyone can do to help with the patients journey out of the acute. Attendees will gain an understanding of the complexities of the hospital and community coming together to help, and the obstacles that we and the patients face. With that knowledge it will hopefully break barriers and encourage better joined-up working between all the critical services always with the patients needs and wants at the very forefront of any outcomes. There will be a video from people with lived experience explaining their journey, a lecture-style presentation about the team and patients’ outcomes and a Q and A at the end, with time for discussion.

Content warning: There will be some stats on general homeless population health outcomes which include stats about death rates. There will also be information about people being discharged from hospital when unwell, as well as discriminatory attitudes of some people.

Speakers: Chris Sargeant & Katie Carter


Autistic, ADHD, Bendy and Homeless

This talk with explore how being neurodivergent (particularly if not diagnosed) amplifies the risk of poor life and health outcomes and may also mean that the person is more likely to find themselves without a safe and stable home. The talk will be drawn from multiple real-life stories with the hope of illustrating the hazards, delights, resilience, pain and warmth of being a neurodivergent person, “hidden in plain sight” in an overwhelmingly complex world. Speaker Rebecca (Bex) Dew is a nurse consultant for the Pan-Sussex Neurodevelopmental Service, SPFT. She is herself autistic and ADHD, and has lived experience of being homeless.

The talk will be lecture-based, with a Q&A at the end. The session aims to renew and refresh compassion for human difference, and to reflect on why feeling different and not fitting typical expectations and systems may impact on a person’s life journey Delegates will come away with an increased understanding of autism, ADHD and hypermobility.

Content warning: The talk will touch upon the following topics: Mental health, Physical illness and disability, Being misunderstood by services, Lifespan trauma, Self-harm and suicide, Neglect, Addiction

Speaker: Rebecca Dew

Co-production in Action

The Common Ambition lived experience steering group and project partners will be delivering a short introduction training to co-production. It will be a very experiential session that will have everyone co-producing safely by the end and understanding co-production concepts. The aim is for delegates to experience and understand co-production, and see how to do this safely and effectively, through having a go at co-production yourself. Delegates will come away with ideas about how this can be done within your service or work. This session will be experiential and workshop based, hearing from and being trained by people with lived experience of homelessness.

Content warning: There will be discussions about trauma-informed working and safe working practices

Speakers: The Common Ambition lived experience steering group, and project partners.

Navigating Mental Health Services. Why won’t mental health see my client, and how do I get the best outcome for them?

The aim of this session is to help develop an understanding of the realities of the current mental health system, the reasons for differences in approach, how to give referrals the best chance of being accepted, and what to do when they’re not. Delegates should come away with a sense of being more equipped to make referrals, and how to support clients through what can be a confusing and frustrating process. The session will be lecture based, with a Q and A at the end.

Content warning: This talk will provide detail on mental health conditions, and possible causes for these (including discussion of trauma, substance misuse). It will cover the frustration of not being offered help by MH services, and try to explain the rationale for this, which may be upsetting for some people. There may be case studies that will cover potentially upsetting situations as they are closely based on real people’s stories.

Speaker: Tim Worthley

Safe spaces, brave spaces: reflective practice and team wellbeing

The session will explore reflective practice as a tool to manage worker and team wellbeing. Paul defines reflective practice as providing a safe space in which to talk about the ‘grey area’ between the personal and the professional – you as a human being at work. If the space is valued and used regularly – the safe space can become a ‘brave space’, where we can be vulnerable and feel understood, held and supported. And as vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation and change (as Brené Brown says), this can also be a productive space that energises and motivates.

Speaker: Paul Johanson

Being Trauma and Psychologically Informed

This session will explore what it means to be working in a Trauma and Psychologically Informed way when supporting people experiencing homelessness – what the theory into practice looks like, taking learnings from the work at the Centre for Homelessness Research and Practice in Southampton.

Speaker: Prof Nick Maguire

Content warning: This talk will include references relating to trauma and safe working practices.

Adult Safeguarding

This will be a practical guide to safeguarding adults including what information is helpful when making a referral and what you should expect once you have made a referral.

Speakers: Holly Croydon and Lou Shillingford

Content warning: This talk will include references to safeguarding, including neglect and abuse and may include anonymised case studies.

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