Jess Bayliss
A little bit about me
I have lived in Brighton for 13 years. I grew up in central London, moving to Brighton to study English and Film at Sussex. I work part time as a receptionist at Arch & part time as a massage therapist. I am very interested in persistent pain, helping people to manage their pain better, and to live well with pain. I am passionate about politics, equality, and the environment. In my time off I like to read, watch films/TV, cook, see friends, enjoy nature, and have a dance! A big part of my time when I’m not at Arch is spent learning about the body, the nervous system, pain neuroscience & pain management, and massage therapy.
What attracted me to the field of homeless healthcare
I think what attracted me most to working in homeless healthcare was the opportunity to serve people who are having, or have had a very difficult time. Access to good healthcare can literally shape our lives, I was compelled to find out more about how we’re helping people here in Brighton and put my skills to good use! In my work as a massage therapist I mainly work with people who are quite affluent, this always felt slightly odd to me & working in homeless healthcare gives me balance.
My role at Arch
As a Health Engagement Worker with Arch’s newly expanded outreach service, no two days are the same. I might be working in one of our regular clinics in day centres and other locations across the city, or I might be out on my bike, visiting patients at the accommodation or sleep sites. I check on how they’re doing, offer support with any challenges they’re facing, or I might assist in linking them up with other useful services. Working on reception, I will be seeing lots of our regular patients, sorting the practicalities of appointments and handling requests.
The best thing about working at Arch
The best things about working for Arch are; firstly our amazing team & patients, and secondly the fact that I feel truly proud of my job when people ask me ‘what do you do?’